Bunkers quotation request
To receive a firm quotation, please send us your enquiry via e-mail or fax including the following information to be able to offer you promptly:
1) Full name of Company buying the bunkers
2) Vessel's name
3) Name of port where bunkers required
4) Vessel's ETA & ETD
5) Grades & quantities of bunkers required
6) Specification of the products required
7) Whether vessel is working cargo, or calling for bunkers
8) Any other useful information or restrictions
9) If a credit period is required and it is the first time you contact us, please send us some background / references of the company responsible to settle the bunker invoices, and the name(s) of suppliers / bunker traders your good company has dealt with in the past.
In most ports a two-working days notice is sufficient but it would be useful to have more notice as we may be able to advise you whether to fix that day or leave for later depending upon how we see the market moving. If vessel calling for bunkers only and owners do not have any agent in that respective port, we can appoint an agent for you.
We can also arrange supplies of marine lubricants but it is difficult to arrange lubricants at short notice & we request a minimum of three-working days notice for major ports & 5 days for other smaller ports.
All bunker sale contracts concluded conform our standard terms & conditions.